Lore's 365 Project

What is a 365 Project? A 365 Project is a photography project, you take 1 photo each day for a year on a subject of your choosing and share it with the world.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - Mom

Cleaning up after Dinner I notice on the table a painting one of my Sons had just completed.  If you are a parent you have all over your home art made by your children, sometimes you ponder 'what' to do with it.  As 'sweet' as these little treasures are, they sure start to take up space as time goes on.  I decided not only would my sons new painting be a great 'Day 4' but it also inspired a new idea, to photograph your children's artwork and create individual photo books.


  1. that's a great idea! I have boxes of artwork from my kids LOL

    Lovin' your 365 so far!

    1. Me too & its really piling up! LOL! & Thank You :)
