Lore's 365 Project

What is a 365 Project? A 365 Project is a photography project, you take 1 photo each day for a year on a subject of your choosing and share it with the world.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 62 - Cousins

The best memories are made with cousins.  The mischief to be had during family events, born to be best friends.

I have many great memories of times shared with my cousins, so when I see my children with theirs, it brings back so many great memories, the silly adventures, fun and games.

When my Sisters Kids and my Kids get together they are quite the bunch.  Same ages, they are full of unstoppable fun.

My Sister, Brother in Law & Children are moving out of state soon.  Gives us a great place to visit.  We are sad to see them go, at the same time excited for what the future brings them.

For now here is a photo of our sillies, we'll have to take another soon when we come visit you ♥

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